Operator manual
The 4-line display is your interface to the TGM.
It shows the current status and provides the information that you need to know. In the Normal Scan mode of operation, the display lines show the following:
Line 1
- Current Scan Result: Shows the port number that the TGM has just scanned, a gas type (first gas selected if more than one gas is assigned to the port), the reading and units of measure.
- Background: Every 10 minutes the TGM takes a zero reference. The display shows a value, which is expressed in ARU - Analyzer Response Units. This value is the offset from zero and the adjustment used by the TGM to automatically correct all readings over the next 10 minutes to a zero reference.
- Warn/Alarm Event: If the reading for the port exceeds the set point for any of the assigned gases and passes the validation, the display changes to Exceeded Warn Limit or Exceeded Alarm Limit.
Line 2
- No External Sensors (Gas Detectors): If your TGM does not have the GDI Option, display Line 1 will move down to Line 2. This keeps updating as the TGM scans through its ports. So, Line 1 and Line 2 show the data for the 2 ports most recently scanned.
- External Sensors (Gas Detectors): If your TGM has the GDI Option with external sensors connected to it, then Line 2 becomes dedicated to those sensors in the Normal Scan mode. The display cycles through all the sensors in sequence, updating every few seconds.
- Checking Gas ID: When the current reading for a port exceeds the warn or alarm set point for any gas assigned to that port, the display changes to Checking Gas ID during the time that the getters are switched in to validate the reading.
Line 3
Alarm Status: Line 3 is dedicated to the current alarm status, showing these messages:
- No Alarms: This message indicates that there are no active alarms on the TGM or that recent alarms have been acknowledged by using the Reset key.
- Warn (or Alarm) Port ##: Current warn and alarm level readings that have passed the validation are displayed. If more than one port is in alarm, then the display will cycle and show each event.v
- Alarms Cleared: This tells you that there was a Warn or Alarm event. On a subsequent scan of that port or those ports, the reading dropped below the Warn level. The TGM has cleared the Warn or Alarm event. Alarms Cleared will remain on Line 3 until you use the Reset key to acknowledge the event. The Reset key returns Line 3 to No Alarms.
Line 4
Monitor Status: Line 4 is dedicated to the current status of the monitor, showing these messages:
- Various Incident Messages: If the TGM senses an abnormal operating condition, it generates a message on Line 4 indicating a Service Request or Malfunction. The specific problem is identified on Line 4. Corrective action is required unless the condition is temporary or self-corrected by the TGM.
- System Is Normal: This indicates that there are no Service Requests or Malfunction conditions or that the condition has been cleared. The TGM will clear messages when it senses that the problem no longer exists. You can manually clear the message using the Reset key. Then, the display will change to System Is Normal. However, if the condition remains unresolved, the incident message will quickly return.
Front Panel Keypad. Single Function Keys (All Users )
Number Keys:
The “number keys” have various uses, including:
- Make selections from a menu of choices
- Enter numeric values
- Enter port numbers and select gas types for each port
- Enter sensor numbers and assign sensor gas (for external gas detectors)
- Turn getters on/off in the Lock Mode
- Backspace to correct entry errors
Used to exit a program mode, save any changes and/or return the TGM to normal scanning.
Like the resume key, it exits a program mode, but it also retains the previous set-up program and/or calibration data, ignoring any and all changes that were just entered.
Reset Relays:
Resets any relays or front panel lights which have been activated. Also used to clear and reset the messages on Line 3 and Line 4 of the normal scan display.
Front Panel Power Switch
Use this key to turn the power On or Off on the TGM. In the Original Configuration, the key switch includes a Reset position. Use this switch if you need to reset (reboot) the computer. This is a springloaded switch. In the S2/CE configuration this switch is only used to turn power On or Off. The computer reset switch, located inside, on the computer chassis, is a pushbutton switch.