“Double Pendulum” Michelson interferometer with 10 meter air sample cell
Patented design assures permanent optical alignment and vibration immunity.
- Interferometer sub-system, show "split" to reveal internal parts, is easely removed for repair or replacement.
- Gas laser assures permanent spectral accuracy.
- Self contained interferometer sub-system contains power supply, infrared source, detector, A/D converter and permanently mounted transfer optics.
- Sample cell removes for quick cleaning or replacement. Transfer mirrors remain fixed.
FTIR analysis in four steps:
- Interferometer modulates a beam of infrared light and send it through the air sample, where...
- Airborne chemicals absorg infrared light. The remaining light is reflected to a detector, where...
- Infrared light intensity is digitized, then computed into an error-free infrared spectrum containing analytical information.
- Computer examines infrared spectrum, identifying each chemical and measuring its concentration;