Monitor specifications
- Standard Range: 0 - 100 % L.E.L. hydrogen (0 - 4% by volume), over-range to 1000% L.E.L. Methane: is an optional H2M gas
- Lower Detection Limit: 100 parts per million H2
- Lowest Warn Set Point: 1% L.E.L.
- Accuracy: Better than 2% of reading.
- Repeatability: +/- 100 parts per million.
- Specificity: Free from interference from any known combination of chemicals.
- Stability: Monitor self-adjusts for changes in air composition.
- Sample Area Capacity: 20 sample areas at distances up to 700 feet from the monitor.
- Scanning Sequence: Order of scan elected by the user such that more critical areas may be scanned with greater frequency. The rate of scan shall be 2 seconds per area sampled.
- Response/Recovery Time: 3 second scan cycle.
- Validation of Warn/Alarm Events: Monitor automatically validates any reading that exceeds the warn level by chemical gettering which is highly selective for hydrogen.
- Malfunction Monitoring: The monitor's computer constantly checks for pneumatic, electrical and detection faults and activates a malfunction relay and a printout of the specific problem should one occur.
- Output Relays: One warn level and alarm level relay for each area monitored, common relays for warn and alarm (all areas), a malfunction relay and a power-on relay. DPDT type, dry contact and rated 3 amps @24 VDC.
- Programmability: User may set warn and alarm levels independently for each area monitored.
- Printouts and Reports: Printed automatically or on demand;
- Incident Messages: Printed as an incident occurs, to include all warn and alarm events identified by area, level reached, time and date; malfunctions identified by the type, time and date; a "return to normal" with time and date to identify that leaks have fallen below set point levels or that malfunctions have been corrected (including self-correction).
- Automatic Shift Summary Report: Printed every 8 hours, it shall include an 8 hour average level for each port monitored, the highest and second highest readings over that 8 hour period, the number of times each area was scanned, identification of areas not scanned and the current warn and alarm level set points.
- Demand Log Report: An "up-to-the-minute" Shift Summary.
- Data Logging and Retrieval: Incident Messages and Log Reports are stored to a 1.44 MB diskette to provide a back-up to the printer and for downloading to a personal computer.
- Cabinet: Rated NEMA-12 with dimensions of 54 x 24 x 18 inches HWD.
- Optional Detector Interface: Gas detectors may operate under the control of the H2M computer. The GDI - Gas Detector Interface, either the GDI-16 (16 gas detectors) or GDI-32 (32 gas detectors). Gas detectors must have “loop-powered” 2-wire transmitters with 4-20 mA output signals.
- Service Interval: The PM service schedule is once per year
- Automatic Self-Tests: Correct operation of internal system pneumatics is confirmed at ten minute intervals by self-tests. With optional “Line Leak Test” the H2M confirms the integrity of each sample tube daily.
- Interfaces: Relays, printer, serial (standard protocols and baud rates), customized message formats for third party software, Ethernet and Token Ring local area networks (LAN’s), TeloSense Guard/ERT software and compatible programmable logic controllers (PLC’s).